What's Happening at St. John's

Facing Tough Times

St. John’s Stephen Ministers are here to help. They can provide confidential emotional and spiritual care that you need when faced with a crisis or difficulty in life. If you or someone you know could benefit by talking to a Stephen Minister, please contact Pastor Bitter (david.bitter@stjohnsmilw.org) to connect you with a Stephen Minister from St. John’s. 

Hey Moms! Hi There MA’AM!

Life is messy. Life as a mom is really messy…literally. Being in the “thick of it” can leave us sleep-deprived, spread too thinly, and just plain exhausted…for years. Do you find yourself stirring the mac ‘n’ cheese daydreaming about life in 20 years, or getting more organized only to have it last 4.5 days, or just drudging through trying to find joy while cleaning up the midnight illness? There must be more!


There is and we find it in Jesus, the God who became one of us to bring peace to our restless souls. Jesus said to us in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”


If you are a Messy Mom (or not sure if you are) join us for our Moms Are A Mess gathering as we discover how we can find wellness, wholeness, and belonging as women loved by Christ. We’ll laugh and cry together; pray with and encourage each other as we go on this messy journey.

Questions? Contact Alex Bartsch (asbartsch09@gmail.com or 414-531-8147) or Janna Zak (coach.jz@hotmail.com or 239-410-3551).