Becky Besler

Business Manager

My Story

I grew up in Greendale and attended St. Paul’s Franklin grade school. I dreamed of being a teacher like my parents and went to Martin Luther Preparatory School in Prairie du Chien, but decided not to go on to New Ulm. Instead, I earned an Associate degree from Wisconsin Lutheran College back when that was still an option! I ended up using my teaching talents as a trainer at a couple local Apple computer dealerships until I became a stay-at-home mom with the birth of my third son. God’s plans for me were so different than mine! Gradually, I became a regular volunteer at St. John’s school, which eventually led to my job assisting Sheila in the office in late 2010. After the sad loss of our previous treasurer in mid-2013, I agreed to take on the added responsibilities of Business Manager. 

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my friends, my wonderful husband, children and granddaughter. I also find time for my hobbies which include reading, knitting, sewing, Adoration handbells, and Hesternus Early Music group. My hobbies do NOT include cooking, cleaning or mowing the grass, but let’s not go there. I continue to be amazed at the way God constantly pours blessing after blessing on me when I don’t deserve anything at all. I can’t imagine how wonderful it will be when I join him in eternity.

My Hope for St. John’s

My hope is that we will continue to learn ways to reach as many people as possible with the good news of salvation through Jesus. Our challenge is to minister to our existing members while reaching new people. May God continue to use all of our talents to accomplish his gracious good will!

Contact Mrs. Besler at