Scrip Program

The Scrip Program is a fund raising program that benefits our school. People buy pre-paid gift cards that can be used like cash at a variety of businesses, and St. John's gets money back for the gift cards that are purchased.

There are two order forms to order scrip (or gift cards). These forms list the businesses that participate in this program. Click on the links below to view the order forms.

Order Form #1

Order Form #2


Order forms are available in the church narthex and at the kiosk in the Welcome Center. Revised forms will be available soon for those who want to order Scrip for Christmas gifts. Orders are placed on the first and third Saturday/Sunday of each month. Orders can be picked up on the second and fourth Saturday/Sunday of each month. Please continue to support St. John’s with your Scrip orders. If you have any questions, please call Laura Kolodzinski at 414.350.5801; email:

You can get more information by visiting the Great Lakes Scrip Center website. Click HERE or on the image to go to their website.